MBSC Internship with Sam Leahey: The Beast & The Little School Girl!

     We all know them. We’ve all seen them before or at least heard of them. They prowl around the gym roaring like lions. The sound of thsoe roars echo through the squat racks. You know, the guy who’s a BEAST in the weightroom, but when it comes to his kitchen status he’s a little school girl! He/she busts into the weightroom with vigor and tenacity, attacks the weights like an animal. But when it’s time to cash in on that hard work and reap the rewards, his nutritional skills are less than desirable. The reality is he eats like a little school girl and trains like a beast! His strength and mass levels reflect this poor nutritional lifestyle. He has every nutritional supplement known to man but good ol’ meat is far from his kitchen. The fur on his neck rises up high with only a thought of the squat rack as his blood begins to boil. This beast can’t wait to put the chains around his waist for heavy pull-ups, but somehow eating the flesh of another animal doesn’t seem that exciting to him. His bond with the iron reaches into the depths of his soul, and the chalk on his hands is as refreshing as the morning dew on grass. This type of individual can’t wait until the next opportunity to lift heavy things. His grunts that come with every rep are existential cries for the true meaning of strength. Every workout his bond with the iron grows like a lioness’ bond with her cubs. His prey is the iron plates that he tosses around like rags.

     Though some may claim steroids or other means, it’s a safe assumption that he who possesses beast status in the kitchen has the size and strength gains indicative of that. Often times, the biggest guys at the gym have the best nutritional habits. Put simply, you can’t out train a bad diet! The mesomorph believes the opposite is true, while the ectomorph is left wondering why he’s still weak and skinny. Neither have heard of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Nutritional Programs.

     I can think of so many people who get fired up for bench pressing and “get after it” when it’s squatting time. Their mentality towards deadlifts is rooted in the heart of a lion, but it seems meat eating is going to GNC and buying some crappy protein supplement because “it’s the same thing”. Their little school girl eating habits are as intimidating as a 185 bench press and a 225 deadlift. I can honestly say that throughout my college career only a few times have I reached beast mode in the kitchen and eaten like an animal. My ectomorphic hardgainer self always had excuses why I didn’t make tons of food and eat for performance to get the results I greatly desired. I attacked the weightroom with maximal Sam Leahey intensity, but my intensity in the kitchen sounded like a cat meowing rather than a roaring lion. I knew I needed to get my nutrition game up if I wanted to be as strong as possible. For the last 4 years I ate in my school’s cafeteria and finished off whatever my roommates left in the fridge, but I never attempted to cook for myself. Why? I didn’t know how and thought it’d be too big of a process to start learning. This was all before the greatest internship in the world with Mike Boyle. Thus far my life has taken a turn this summer and I’d like to share it with you now.

“Necessity is the mother of all invention”  –  Coach Jeff Oliver


 Coach Ollie, a wise man and a “big deal” if you know what I mean

     When Coach Ollie first said the above quote to me last spring the lights came on and the ah-moments just started trickling down. So much so that I decided this summer would be the first time in my life I would learn to cook for myself. Yes, at the ripe old age of 22 I have decided the time has come. I took Coach Ollie’s statement to heart and MADE myself learn to cook by showing up at the intern house this summer with nothing but a credit card for food and supplies. It’s been almost 3 months now and I must say, COOKING IS SO EASY!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! I wish I hadn’t been so intimidated and tried cooking before. Admittedly, I’m still at lion cub status in the kitchen, but I can hear the roars of the pack slowly approaching.


Sam’s beast status in the kitchen before MBSC internship



 Sam’s beast status in the kitchen after MBSC internship. . . hopefully. . .

      Working nearly 60 hours a week as an intern has unfortunately made training for football take a back seat a couple times. But what’s so amazing are my training results. I weight more now than I ever did in my life! Hmmmmmmm. . . could it be that my animal like approach to the weight room carried over into the kitchen? Have I finally eaten decently enough to gain the muscle and strength I was waiting for? Maybe so. As with any new life change I realize I have much to learn in this new realm. I still could do better and eat more but I’m laying a foundation this summer. Overall though I feel as if cooking is here to stay and my strength and mass gains will continue to come as the quality of my nutrition increases. Check out this video to get the inside scoop on how im finally learning to cook for myself . . .

4 Responses to “MBSC Internship with Sam Leahey: The Beast & The Little School Girl!”

  1. […] Building Relationships Week 5: More on Building Relationships Week 6: Positioning While Coaching Week 7: The Beast & The Little School Girl Week 8: The Best Coaches Don’t LIVE in Internet Land! Week 9: “Don’t Count the […]

  2. […] with Sam Leahey: The Best Coaches Don’t Live in “Internet Land”      Last week’s blog  was lighthearted, but this week a more serious matter comes to mind. I’ve gone through plenty […]

  3. I’m glad you finally know how to make something else than cereal.

  4. Sam,
    I am a cooking fiend, a veritable “Iron Chef”…if you will. If you will provide me with your e-mail address, I will grant you with a number of recipes for quality items that will not only blow your mind, but light your taste buds with gustatory delight beyond your wildest dreams.

    Granted, most of my culinary expertise is done on a wood grill in my back yard (cut me some slack, eh? I live in Texas) but can easily be adapted to indoor usage with some degree of intelligent modification.

    Nice article, BTW.


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