Treadmills and Stability Balls Don’t Mix

The stability ball has been in the news lately and it hasn’t been good. An NBA star recently broke an arm on the ball. Don’t get me wrong, we still use stability balls. However, we never allow athletes to use them in conjunction with weights. We may occasionally mix a ball and a weight vest but, never dumbbells. Years ago we did but, as the first anecdotal evidence began to come out about balls bursting, we stopped lifting on them. Word to the wise. A stability ball with a nick in it will behave less like a burst resistant ball. Always check your stability balls and replace them if they show signs of wear.

Another thing you haven’t read about yet is stability balls and treadmills. I should have written this up when it happened but, our “incident” was in the pre-blog days. Gyms now often have both stability balls and treadmills in the same space. Do not let your stability balls anywhere near your treadmills. 3-4 years ago one of my players inadvertently kicked a stability ball in the direction of a treadmill that was on. If you had asked me to guess what would happen next, I would have said the treadmill would tear the ball into pieces. Lucky for us the treadmill was running with no one on it. The ball went under the treadmill and tilted the treadmill up on a 30 degree angle. However, the treadmill kept running and the ball did not burst. Scary stuff. I hate to think what would have happened had someone been on the treadmill.

Word to the wise stability balls don’t mix well with weights or treadmills.


8 Responses to “Treadmills and Stability Balls Don’t Mix”

  1. @cheapest treadmills: That’s a great comment, great work and I agree.

  2. That is one dangerous story. Like you said, Just to imagine if someone was on the treadmill?

    I think fitness clubs should take health and safety precautions very seriously. I agree that stability balls and treadmills should be kept away from each other. I once saw someone using running with dumbells in their hand? How dangerous is that? People need to realize that danger they are causing themselves and other around them.

    Thanks for an interesting post.

  3. I use stability balls!

  4. It is too bad. We should move stability ball away from treadmill before anything bad thing happens. As In our show room, due to small space, we have to mix them together. Even they make the room colorful, We don’t aware the dangerous. Thank you very much.

    It is never too late to do the right things, isn’t it.

    George from

  5. I’ve often told people that using weights, particularly heavier weights on a stability ball, is like being given the keys to a Ferrari during a snowstorm.

  6. I’ve seen a ball get sucked under a treadmill and throw the runner 5 feet in the air. Thank goodness the runner somehow landed on his feet next to the treadmill. It is a not a pretty picture at all. (not to mention a real serious look at the club’s liability insurance)

    I have seen a few treadmills now that have guards on the back below the back roller. I agree with the weights and the balls, I just cringe when I see guys grab a pair of 100lbs db’s and do a chest or shoulder press on the ball.

  7. mboyle1959 Says:

    It just touched the belt and was sucked under. Crazy scene.

  8. Mike,
    Wow, how did the stability ball get under the treadmill? Trying to imagine that in my mind’s eye. Our treadmill area is separate from where our stability balls are, thank goodness.
    Bruce Kelly

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